Sunday, October 26, 2008


There are a lot of people out there doing an amazing amount of things using various techniques, tools and spiritually guided methods to help people to heal themselves or others. They are then branded with a "label" to define just what it is, to enable them to understand the whole process "yes" that is Aromatherapy, Kinesiology, Shiatsu, NLP, etc, etc. there are too many to name.

More and more research on channeling seems to be expressing the need to go deeper within. To get to the real reasons for one's ill health, ill being, or imbalances in life that we all experience through different stages of learning in our life span here on earth. It's exciting to see the clarity that has emerged in connecting our beings holistically rather than just on a physical level. Ourselves in entirety, are as we most recognize, an extremely complex and yet very simple combination of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and etheric bodies.

We attract different circumstances into our lives because of our very Own Individual Blueprint, Our Health, Our Lifestyle, the type of People in our Lives etc are all patterns in our Blueprint. This is where Ian Frazer comes into the picture.

It appears that a lot of the before mentioned methods, tools, courses etc are a very successful means of relieving many of the symptoms we have attracted to ourselves. Even to the point where having an Aura Photo taken can tell you where you have Blockages so you can treat that particular area. But can any of these methods tell you WHY, WHERE IT IS COMING FROM, WHEN and WHY does it keep repeating itself in your life? Ian Frazer has this ability! So what do you "label" this one? Ian has the gift of being able to tell you WHY everything has happened to you on an emotional level providing an even deeper understanding of your true Inner Self....... The "INNER CHILD" who has experienced so many often forgotten (how clever the mind!) traumas or negative energy that has virtually created the rest of your life patterns you are dealing with right NOW thus necessitating all of those wonderful ways and means of Healing.

The big difference that Ian's gift makes is that the ROOT SYSTEM the actual CAUSE is ADDRESSED and RELEASED to clean the slate. This relieves more than the SYMPTOMS in our BLUEPRINT.

A lot of people find it difficult to accept that something that has happened as a wee toddler, can be the cause of something in our lives 10 - 20 - 30 - 40 - 50 + years later but after an hour or two with Ian they realize the connection.

Ian is a "Healer" not a "Reader" he says because though the reading plays an important part in the healing process by addressing, accepting and allowing ourselves to emotionally FEEL THE SITUATION it is the RELEASING of THAT ENERGY which is the FINAL PROCESS of the HEALING and the MOST important stage by far.

There are many methods to go back to recognize past problems with Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, Grand Parents and Friends etc but the powerful RELEASE of that ENERGY and EMOTION does not seem to have been fulfilled. When Ian reads for those who have "been there" or "done that" the energy is still in the BLUEPRINT much to some people's amazement... It still needs to be CLEARED and REMOVED.

There is a responsibility within each and every one of us to contribute to our Own Healing. It is so often the case where we get ourselves in such a complicated mess that we get to the point where we go searching "Outside" for a Healer, a Reader, a Method, Tools or Somebody to Heal me! That's all very well as we are here to help each other to teach, to learn, to aspire to our Higher Self the Oneness of our Entirety that's WHY we are here. But it does come back to our own Self Input, the choice to Leave an old habit, lifestyle, diet, job, addiction, fear, etc and work into a more Positive direction towards our Own Highest challenge to be true to Ourselves.

By getting to the real mess be it large or small we can then understand our true destiny and move on. A Healer is only a channel /catalyst for what we are unaware of being able to Do for Ourselves. We often find it a lot more comfortable and pleasing to our "Ego" to do something wonderful for someone else before putting ourselves at the top of the list. There is nothing wrong with helping others for as we are all part of the "Oneness" we are also helping ourselves. By clearing our Own mess first, the quality of what we can do for others is far more superior and of real assistance.

"We Teach By What We Do ourselves" not by what we say, but by what we actually "Live and Do."

Taking on the responsibility of your Own Healing can be a mammoth task but also the most rewarding thing a person can do not Only for themselves but for all the souls you come in contact with.

Ian can help you recognize and remove the Old Negative Emotions and Patterns in Your Life. You may then recognize and choose the programs you wish to take back into your Own Mind, it is as simple as that, surely your own choice.

If you are ready to make these choices to learn about your Own Inner Child/Self and move on to your Own True Destiny then Ian Frazer is the person you need to speak to.

Thanks for reading so please share this info with other souls on the Universe.

Phone +617 5529 6903 …..Cell 04223 14049

Skype ….. theuniverse4

Please comment.

Cheers Ian Frazer

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