Tuesday, October 21, 2008



This legend was channeled through Straight Arrow / Soaring Eagle(Robert) to Ian Frazer as part of a past life and legend that pertains to this life time and pathway now.

Your name first given was that of Running Wolf born to Running Deer and Star Man from whence he came. He came in a ship from planets away and will return again to meet his son in this life or the next one. Being born with the same falling sickness the same sickness that took his mother on the night of his birth he was set apart from the other boys not to eat flesh of the animals his father would not eat of the flesh either but to eat berries, fruits and grasses. The falling sickness was a means whereby Running Wolf was able to speak to the ancestors on this plane and the future of the stars. Running Wolf was taught by his grandmother Beaver Woman the medicine ways of the Hopi / Souix Indians. She used many different colored waters and oils to do healings. Because of the falling sickness the child was sensitive to many vibrations and became a master of his own vibrations and of those around him. He could tell an animal that was hidden by the vibration it set off and not by sight or smell. A person who was sick would give off a vibration that Running Wolf was able to tune into and use the same vibration to heal.

When the walking time came Running Wolf left the tribe and set out on a journey to the mountains to gain wisdom from the ancient ones. There he resided in a cave for many years until they had spoken all there was to say and all there was to teach. When climbing down the mountain a great white buffalo lay trapped in a deep hole. It was a great beast and was hollowing to the Gods for aid. Running Wolf stood by the old buffalo and laid his hands upon his head and felt the Spirits coming to take the old buffalo to the hunting grounds. He spoke in a soft voice to the buffalo and drummed and rattled the buffalo to the hunting grounds.Just before he died the old buffalo was granted words and spoke these words to Running Wolf and he called him White Prayer Buffalo. “The old buffalo told Running Wolf / White Prayer Buffalo to take his coat and wear it that it would give him great strength and wisdom. He taught White Prayer Buffalo the ways of the buffalo and told him that he was the “Keeper of the Buffalo Spirit.”

He told him to make small disks out of the buffalo horns and to wear them around his neck and for every problem there was in the world he would find the answer on these disks. The old buffalo breathed his last breath upon the Boy / Man and his hair turned White. The new Holy Man“White Prayer Buffalo” removed the skin and placed it around his shoulders causing a small whirlwind to come and remove the rest of the old buffalo. The head of the buffalo minus the horns were buried facing the sacred mountains.

When Running Wolf /White Prayer Buffalo arrived back in his village his grand mother Beaver Woman had walked the way of the Spirit and there was no Medicine Healer, White Prayer Buffalo then became Teacher, Healer and Holy Man to the young braves of the tribe.

The sacred stones were put away until they would come back in his mind in dreams and in knowing.

The woman who speaks with you – Sande - is your Grand Mother Beaver Woman from many dreams ago. Sande has opened the door for you to walk through. Sande is now called Sky Hawk, carrier of the rainbow energy,healer of the heart and mind. Sande is speaker of your father Star Man who is also called Silas.

None of this is coincidental but this you know for the time has been foreordained for many centuries. The time is now for the healing of the Earth to come to pass before she raises herself to the heights she has always been. Come forth Son of the Star People, Son of the Earth and take upon you the cloak of White Prayer Buffalo that you again might become Master and keeper of the Sacred Stones.

Many Souls know WHITE PRAYER BUFFALO, do you?

Ian Frazer.

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